Friday 24 May 2013

How to hide the reassign button in the requisition approval notification?

To hide the requisition information button in the requisition approval notification, do the following:

- Open the workflow builder
- Get connected to the database
- Search "PO Requisition Approval" workflow and open it
- Expand: REQAPPRV (PO Requisition Approval)
- Expand: Messages
- Look for: PO_REQ_APPROVE (Approve Requisition)
- Do right click and select 'New Attribute'
- Enter the following data:

1. Internal Name: #HIDE_REASSIGN

2. Display Name: Request Information
3. Description: Request Information
4. Value: Y
- Click APPLY
- Save the workflow process definition into the database.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

How to see Purchasing DFF 'PO Line Locations' from PBWC for a GBPA

Flex definition is enabled in GBPA line details page and it is enabled only for "Details" region. "Price Break" region do not have DFF enabled, and that is the reason why "Flex" field is not visible in the personalization page of "Price Break".
If there are any DFF need to be added for GBPA Line details, They sholuld be added in the "Details" Region Only.

Steps need to perform are:
1. Personalize the table PriceBreaksTable in AgreementLineDetailsPG.
2. Add a new column and column header to the table.
3. In the new column add a component of type flex, and provide required details like DFF name, entity name, etc.

Note that DFF in an advanced table has some limitations. Check the framework guide for details.

Monday 28 January 2013

Canceling or Deleting a Negotiation i.e. RFQ or Auction

RFQ / RFI / Auction can be cancelled only if they are in Open status. User cann't cancel or delete draft RFQ / RFI / Auction. 

After cancellation, user can delete these RFQ / RFI / Auction.

RFQ / RFI / Auction can be deleted once that have been cancelled / closed.

Workaround to cancel and close the Draft RFQ / RFI / Auction:

- Publish the RFQ / RFI / Auction without adding any supplier
- Cancel
- Delete

Negotiation deletion option is available only in Administration Tab of Sourcing Super User Responsibility.

Friday 18 January 2013

Where to see the amount in functional currency in PO if using foreign currency

Current functionality does not allow for functional amount to show on Purchase Order form or Orders page in BWC.
This issue is being tracked as an ER bug DISPLAY FUNCTIONAL AMOUNTS ON ENTER PO FORM bug 2963920

Workaround in PO Form:
1. Create a DFF on PO Headers - Attribute1 (say), Call it Functional Currency Amount and don't assign a value set.
 2. Create a Forms Personalization on the PO Entry form as below: 
 Seq: 30
 Desc: Set Functional Amount DFF att1
 Level:  Function
 Triggering Event:  WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD
 Triggering Object:  PO_HEADERS
 Condition:  :PO_HEADERS.RATE is not null
 Processing Mode:  Both
 Seq:  10
 Type:  Property
 Object Type:  Item
 Property Name:  VALUE
 Value:  ${item.PO_HEADERS.PO_TOTAL_DSP.value}*${item.PO_HEADERS.RATE.value}